Meet the Cannabis plant
Cannabis Hemp is a seed-bearing herb, with hundreds of varieties and thousands of commercial uses. Simply stated Hemp or industrial Hemp refers to this non-drug strain and products; Marijuana refers to various psychotropics and medical uses with THC; and cannabis is the scientific and broader name that covers all of its uses.
The quality of Cannabis Hemp may very well astound you, in some way this plant is exceptional and wholly unique.
Hemp Oil and CBD
CBD Oil, derived from agricultural Hemp, has been widely recognized for its many benefits on human health. It has grown in popularity amongst the medical community as a key product for maintaining homeostasis.
Because CBD oil can talk to nearly every organ system in the body via the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), this plant-based nutrient plays a key role in optimizing balance and enhancing the quality of life.
CBD is a phytocannabinoid, one of the 113 identified in the cannabis plant, CBD has been around since the beginning of time, our elderly and our ancestors all valued CBD as a healer.
Some Historical perspective
While it is well known that ancient China was the first to bring cannabis to light, the ancient Egyptians were the first ones to identify the plant´s miraculous effects on cancer patients. Aside from treating patients with cancer they also found positive effects in treating inflammation, hemorrhoids, relieving excessive bleeding from women in their menstrual cycle. Moreover, the Egyptians treated glaucoma, bad temper, and sadness with cannabis.
In ancient Egypt, the Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest finished medical textbooks to have been found, mentions several formulas which use the Cannabis from Hemp to alleviate pain and inflammation.
Hemp was so important for the ancient Egyptians that when the mummies of several pharaohs were uncovered, they had cannabis in their tombs; also, Seshat the goddess of wisdom was often depicted with the cannabis plant above her head in paintings from over a thousand years old.
Modern CBD history began in 1946 when Dr. Walter S. Loewe conducted the first CBD test in lab animals. These tests gave proof that CBD doesn´t cause an altered mental state. That same year, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam identified CBD´s three-dimensional structure. As such, he is often credited as the scientist who discovered CBD.
Further research continued in the 1960s on primates, and finally, the first CBD oil intended for therapeutic use was released by the British.
Moreover, research continued in the next few decades. In 1980, Dr. Mechoulam made another breakthrough in CBD history when he ran a study which showed cannabidiol could be a key factor in treating epilepsy.
CBD and the Endосаnnаbіnоіd System
The Endocannabinoid system has existed in almost every living organism from humans to animals and even some insects for millions of years.
This universal system´s overall function is to regulated homeostasis within the body. The definition of homeostasis is the ability in an organism to maintain internal stability to compensate for environmental changes. In other words, it is what keeps a human body stable and balanced.
CBD or cannabidiol is created through the endocannabinoid system, making it one of the most naturally occurring chemicals within the human body.
You were breastfed as a child, that was most likely the last time you consumed CBD at an early age. According to the findings of scientists, human breast milk contains CBD.
CBD provides communication between various types of cells within our bodies. These communications regulate certain cells to act in defense of the body. For example, if you are injured, CBD instructs cells on how to handle the injury.